2018 Vietnam Ride

Although my name is Bob Forsee, this travel page uses my "fun" monicker "Forsellini". A good friend used to call me Roberto Forsellini and now, after a lot of years, it seems fun to use it.

Since my last "adventure", I rode out to Santa Fe and East to Virginia. Then, in late 2017, I began researching for a trip to Vietnam.  I think the biggest concern was the the three million motorbikes in Ho Chi Min City (Saigon) and of course,the language.  

After over 50 years (from the year the military didn't draft me, because of an ankle injury in 1965), it was interesting to see the country that many of my generation saw a different side of. And most of all, I really enjoyed the "adventure", the people and the the beautiful land.  

Photos and a few details of the route from South to North can be accessed in the archives on the right.

Click on photos to enlarge