Ha Tinh / Thanh Hoa / Hanoi

Day 17 to Day 22

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Ha Tinh

The following images were taken on the way to Ha Tinh and walking around the area of my hotel.

A garden plot

I've dealt with a couple of stumbles (one fall) on this trip and I thought it worthy to show the typical sidewalk areas that aren't already occupied by motorbikes.  Great ankle-turning possibilities.

Some of the best images I have are of kids.

Thanh Hoa

Thanh Hoa was quite large and I found myself on a rough residential street when my bike's rear began to quiver! 

I wanted to dismiss what I knew was the problem. . . a flat tire (on a busy street). I pulled over out of traffic and sat for probably three minutes totally freaked out.
Not only was there no possibility of me changing the flat, but no where to do it. Suddenly an old woman (I think older than my 74 years) walked up beside me and began to talk and point in the direction that I was heading.

I could see no service station or any business for that matter.

I was right at an intersection with a busy four lane road to cross. I had an idea what the lady was saying (or selling). So. . . I crossed the big street and almost immediately the old woman was beside me pointing directly across the intersection to a house with two men and a motorbike on a short driveway (about 15 feet). 

One man was kneeling beside the motorbike and I could see tools and a air-compressor. Both men began motioning for me to come over.  Amazing that the the woman had guided me to her son/grandson's shop (home).  I can't help thinking that she was my fairy Godmother.

It took about 45 minutes or so for the fellow to fix my flat and have me on my way to finally find the Queen Hotel. 


The Old Quarter is a backpacker paradise. I estimate that at least 25 percent of the people I saw were non Vietnamese.

My hotel was wonderful. Great location and great staff. The only down side was the streets packed with motorbikes, bicycles and carts. Oh and people too... No room on the sidewalks for walking!